Friday, 10 December 2010

Group Work Update - 10th December 2010

So far, as a group we have managed to produce various shots using a professional video camera for our teaser trailer. We have narrowed down these shots to the ones that have the potential to be a part of our teaser trailer. Each person in the group had a chance to operate the equipment. We have used a video camera, lights and a tripod. It can be said that, as a group we have made a great deal of progress, even our Media teacher has realised this. Additionally, we have distributed the first half of our questionnaire, and a significant amount of people have responded to this. We are on the verge of releasing the second half of the questionnaire, as it is also ready for distribution.

Right now, we are currently in the process of editing the shots for our trailer. It has been brought to our attention that we need to be preparing to produce shots for our media film magazine and the actual poster. So in addition to editing our trailer, we are now taking pictures that have the potential to be used for our magazine and poster. Each member of the group is looking forward to the tasks set ahead.